viernes, junio 24, 2011

(A tribute to Jazz)

Un poco de Jazz-Hop, The ParanormL.. si lo consigo para bajar subo el link.
A little bit of Jazz-Hop, The ParanormL.. i'll share the link to download the CD as soon as i find it.

Click en la imagen para escuchar el CD - Click on the image to listen to the CD

miércoles, abril 06, 2011

The Prisoner

"We want information, information, information
Who are you?
The new number two
Who is number one?
You are number six
I am not a number, I am a free man.
Iron Maiden - The prisoner (1982)


domingo, abril 03, 2011

At dawn

So, what's the point?
Sitting in a chair
Girls, with nothing but skirts
Wondering if the wind will blow in their wedding day

Still waiting
No matter how much you think so
The sun hasn't arrived yet
No matter how many moons have seen

Ssshh, is there
But i thought she was mine
It was
Close your eyes
You are not ready to see the sun
Close your eyes
Remain in your chair, we'll see it tomorrow


jueves, marzo 31, 2011

IP Man (2008)

Exelente pelicula basada en la vida del Gran Maestro Ip Man durante la invasíón de Japón a China entre 1937 y 1945. Mundialmente reconocido por haber sido el maestro de Bruce Lee, el Gran Maestro Ip Man es el creador del estilo de kung fu conocido como "Wing Chun".

Great movie based on the life of Grandmaster Ip Man during the invasion of Japan in China between 1937 and 1945. Globally recognized for being the master of Bruce Lee, Grandmaster Ip Man is the creator of kung fu style known as "Wing Chun".

Ver la película - Watch the movie